Wi-Fi hack tricks for android users to help you stay connected

Wi-Fi hack tricks for android users to help you stay connected

These days, internet has become the lifeline of most of you and you always want to be connected to it. But you need to pay some good money as data bill. So, what if you get a free Wi-Fi connection to be connected without actually having to spend any kind of money. Here is a small guide about how to hack wi-fi on Android to make sure that you are always connected to the internet.

Things you need to hack wi-fi:

If you are looking about how to hack wi-fi on Android, then you must have the following things on hand:

An android mobile which is rooted.
Wi-fi hacking app which can be downloaded from the play store free of cost.
Last but the most important thing that you need a wi-fi with a very high signal coverage to make sure that you can have some good coverage.
Steps on how to hack wi-fi on android:

If you have all these things in hand then you need not to worry about how to hack wi-fi on Android as it can be done with the following steps:

The first thing that you need to do is to download a highly rated wi-fi hacking app for android app such as WIFI WPS WPA which is easily available for you on the Google play store.

After downloading the app, you shall install the app on your android phone which will enable you to make use of the app for connecting to a foreign wi-fi connection.
Now, refresh the app to make sure that you can have all the available wi-fi connections at your disposal.

Next, you can find all the pins with green locks.
You shall try to connect via root option.
After that, you will be asked to enter a pin and you can chose from the list one by one to easily connect to the foreign wi-fi network. 



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